Make a donation
Make a donation
With your support, we can continue our mission.
You sponsorship helps us be of service. Founded in 1957, the Greater Atlanta Rose Society is the oldest plant society in Atlanta. From the beginning it has been our mission to help the community learn more about the cultivation of our national flower, the rose, in its many varieties. Consulting and master rosarians in our membership volunteer their expertise to help educate and guide anyone who has an interest in growing roses. With your support, we can help the community’s interest and success in rose gardening thrive.
Your donations help us to:
Continue our volunteer educational services to the community where we share and advise on all topics of rose cultivation
Provide educational opportunities for the community like volunteer garden days at The Carter Center Presidential Rose Garden
Invite expert guest speakers to our monthly GARS meetings which are open to the public (members and non-members)
Host our annual rose show where we exhibit the best blooms, arrangements, and photography from Atlanta gardeners and the greater southeast
Produce and send our e-newsletter, The Phoenix, which is written by our members to provide gardening advice and guidance on growing roses
Grow our membership by promoting the rose society in meaningful ways through social media and digital marketing channels like our website
Ready to make donation?
When you sponsor the Greater Atlanta Rose Society, you will receive our monthly e-newsletter, The Phoenix, for a year.
How can I make a donation to GARS?
First, download the form and fill in your information. Then mail your donation form with check to the GARS treasurer.