About the show
While our annual rose show may have been cancelled this year, that doesn’t mean the show cannot go on! As we continue to socially distance, let’s get together for a “virtual” rose show instead.
The Greater Atlanta Rose Society invites all of its members to enter the “Online-only 2020 Rose Show.” We’ll host the competition right here on our website. As this is not an official American Rose Society show, we’ve customized the structure so that it’s easy for you to enter.
All the details can be found on this page. In summary, you’ll take a few photos and send them along with the details to our official GARS email address. We’ll post your entries on our website for all to enjoy and for review during the judging process. Let’s have fun and take this unique opportunity to share the bounty of your rose gardens and your creativity.
Please note that photography is key in helping the judges determine the best from the classes, but this is not a photography competition. Make sure your photos are clear and present your subject matter well.
Competition details
May 11, 2020
Winners Announced
May 20, 2020 on atlantarose.org
Email your Entry
Please send 1 email per entry. For example, if you have 3 entries for horticulture, you will send 3 separate emails, one for each each entry. All submissions must be sent to hello@atlantarose.org.
Please note: you may only enter a maximum of six entries per class.
What to include in your email entry
- Your first and last name
- Name of your cultivar
- Entry class
- Photos for that entry attached to the email
- Horticulture: 2 photos required
- Arrangements: 3 photos required
- Photography requirements are listed in the sections about the classes
While we are using the photographs to gauge the merits of each entry, please note this is not a photography contest. Please submit high quality photos as that helps the judging process. Winners and their entries will be posted on May 18 on the website.
Gallery of Entries
- Entries will be posted to a gallery on atlantarose.org.
- All entries will be added anonymously during the judging process
- Winners’ names and their entries will be posted to a winners gallery on May 18.
- Visit the website often to enjoy all the beautiful photos of the roses!
The entry categories
We have simplified the horticulture and arrangements classes so the competition is easy to enter and to judge. Please review the category details, especially in regard to photography requirements.
Photography requirements
- Submit 2 photos
- First photo: full shot of the rose in a vase where the stem and foliage are clearly visible
- Second photo: clear shot of the bloom/blooms from above so the details can be evaluagted
- Blooms must be in a vase or vessel as if they were at a rose show
Horticulture classes
- Class 1- 1 bloom per stem Hybrid Tea
- Class 2- 1 bloom per stem Grandiflora
- Class 3- 1 bloom per stem Floribunda
- Class 4-1 bloom per stem fully open Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, or Floribunda
- Class 5- 1 Hybrid Tea or Grandiflora spray
- Class 6- Single type (5-8 petals) single bloom or spray
- Class 7- 1 Floribunda spray
- Class 8- Polyantha single bloom or spray
- Class 9-Climber
- Class 10-Shrub or David Austin single or spray
- Class 11-Any OGR cultivar
- Class 12-New member and/or novice (any cultivar from any class)
- Class 13- Mini single bloom
- Class 14- Mini spray
- Class 15- Mini -Flora single bloom
- Class 16- Mini-Flora Spray
Photography requirements
- Submit 3 photos
- First photo: full view of the arrangement
- Second photo: close shot that captures the details and blooms
- Third photo: close shot that captures details of the arrangement
- Name of your arrangement
Arrangements classes
- Class A1-Mass Arrangement
- Class A2-Oriental
- Class A3-Avante Garde (arranger’s choice,
whatever you like) - Class A4-Mini or Mini-Flora or combination of both(mass, line, oriental or modern)
Example photography
To give you and idea on the kind of photography we’re looking for, here’s an example for one of the horticulture classes.

Photography tips
- High quality images
- Shoot in portrait mode instead of landscape (i.e. a vertically oriented photo is preferred)
- Make sure you have a simple backdrop that doesn’t distract from the subject
- Take advantage of natural lighting so your roses look natural
View the entries
Check out all of the beautiful entries from our exhibitors in the exhibitor gallery!
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Christopher Huffer,
GARS President
Dr. Barry McCasland,
GARS VP of Programs